This is more than learning how to set up a tent, this is wilderness wellness.

Through guided self-discovery exercises, in-the-field education, mindful movement, environmental stewardship, and storytelling, we heal and transform our relationship to self so we can show up more powerfully for our communities.

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Trail of Life Self-Reflection Workshop

Trail of Life Self-Reflection Workshop

✨ End your year with self-reflection and community!

Inspired by the cover of my book, the Trail of Life Maps workshop is our favorite way to end the year, and we want you to join us!

They say that hindsight is 20/20 and this workshop will give you a framework to reflect on 2022 and set intentions for the year ahead. As the foundational exercise for our Blaze Your Own Trail to Self-Love program, the Trail of Life self-reflection workshop is an exercise you can repeat whenever you need to take a minute to yourself to reflect on what life has dealt your way.

While this workshop was born out of my need to process trauma when I didn't have access to mental health resources, this framework is beneficial for any kind of reflection.

🎉 Have you had a great year? Let's connect the dots between all the good things that came your way so you can prioritize your joy in 2023.

⛈ Has this year been dark + stormy for you? While it might not have been sunshine and rainbows all year long, chances are there were some high points you glossed over when the other shoe dropped. By giving yourself time and space to see how all of life's events are connected, you can give yourself credit for making it through the hard stuff, and find ways to bring more sunshine into 2023.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about what we do at Hiking My Feelings, connect with our community of big-hearted adventurers, and carve out some time to yourself!

WHEN: Sunday, December 4 at 10am PT

WHERE: online via Zoom

HOW MUCH: $33 or Pay-What-You-Can

As a bonus, we'll give you immediate access to our Read + Reflect program for free! This program is the book's best friend and offers mantras, journal prompts, and more mindfulness resources to complement the book and help you start your self-reflection practice.

“If that is trauma, then everyone I know has experienced trauma.”

We hold the vision of a world where trauma isn’t a competition and anyone who has experienced trauma has access to the resources and support they need to heal in a way that feels good to them. While the worst day of my life may be dramatically different from the worst day of your life, we have at least one thing in common - that we’ve survived what the world has dealt us so far. We are of the firm belief that we are all way more alike than we are different, and by sharing our struggles with each other, we can co-create a safe space to bravely step into the lives we’ve always dreamed of living.

Curious about how to start your healing journey? Join us for our Trail of Life self-reflection workshop and get access to our Read + Reflect program for free!

Here's what you can look forward to:

  • Connect with our community of big-hearted adventurers

  • Learn how we use hiking as a mindfulness practice

  • Understand the benefits of a self-reflection practice

  • Learn how our foundational healing exercise - creating your Trail of Life Map - can help you find inspiration in the twists and turns life has dealt you so far, set intentions for the next chapter of your life, and integrate these lessons into every aspect of your life on and off the trail.

About Read & Reflect

Life happens fast, let us show you how to slow down enough to enjoy it. This self-paced program is the book’s best friend - demonstrating how mindfulness and intention can weave into every aspect of our lives. Through 18 modules, we extract the lessons from the trail, and offer rituals, affirmations, and resources to help you kickstart your self-discovery journey. Enrollment is open year-round and the program is available on-demand whenever you’re ready to kickstart your healing journey.

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